x36 (bd)
MarkerReferenceDesignation Retail price Excl. VATStatus partQty
1019230 919230 | 917230MCALIBRATION SPOUT Referenced product
2000010 9000010 | 911003 | 011003 | 908095 | 985221 | 900009FEMALE CONTROL HANDLE ASS. (STAINLESS STEEL) Referenced product
3687818 987818 | 087818FLOW RATE TEST FABRIC, AD REF.87818-00 Referenced product
4598140 BLIND RIVET STAINLESS STEEL 4*8 Referenced product
5573804 Washer Referenced product
6857011 907011 | 007011RATE BUCKET WITH LEAD Referenced product
7689026 989026 | 089026SERIES X FLOW RATE RULE, F 89026-02 Referenced product
8689027 989027 | 089027SERIES X FLOW RATE RULE, GB 89027-00 Available until out of stock
9689028 989028 | 089028FLOW RATE SCALE SERIES X DE 89028-00 Referenced product
10689030 089030 | 989030REGLETTE DEBIT X36-X44 RU Product discontinued
11051927 951927CALIBRATION CHUTE SUPPORT AD Referenced product
12558925 SCREW TRCC 8*25 STAINLESS STEEL A2 70 Referenced product
13573012 Washer Referenced product
14573808 WASHER M8 N STAINLESS STEEL A2 70 Referenced product
15571408 NUT BRAKE NYLON H8 STAINLESS STEEL A2 70 Referenced product