dx20+ before 10/2017 (hx/px)
MarkerReferenceDesignation Retail price Excl. VATStatus partQty
1573856 WASHER L6 N STAINLESS STEEL A2 70 Referenced product
2571256 NUT H6 INOX A2 70 Referenced product
3558665 SCREW H 6*16 STAINLESS STEEL A2 70 Referenced product
4683815 983815 | 083815TRIBORD CONTROL HARNESS REF 83815-01 Referenced product
5794640 BLACK NYLON FITTING LINK Available until out of stock
6067252 967252 | 967252MFOLDED MULTIFUNCTION CONTROL UNIT SUPPORT Referenced product
10720843 BULB CONNECTOR 4 PINS FEMALE Referenced product
11721009 BULB CAP 4 PINS FEMALE Referenced product
12720844 BULB CONNECTOR 4 PINS MALE Referenced product
13721666 PLUG CONNECTOR Referenced product
14683817 983817 | 083817TRIBORD CONTROL EXTENSION Available until out of stock
15683712 083712 | 983712 | 51000330Beam Referenced product