maxidrill sr (sr)
MarkerReferenceDesignation Retail price Excl. VATStatus partQty
11191999 CROSSE COURTE ATTELAGE Product discontinued
2719001 3101101GREASE NIPPLE M6*100 RIGHT Referenced product
3992555 2992555 | 3392555 | 1992555 | 092355SHORT SPINDLE, DIA. 12 Available until out of stock
4715010 2915010BLACK TIE S29150 REF 715010 Referenced product
52612101 PIN, BETA D=4 Referenced product
62211501 HEX HD SCREW M20*130C 10.9 PF Referenced product
7992021 1992021 | 2992021 | 3392021 | 092021CENTRING RING 25 Referenced product
10796009 980902 | 080902 | 6201103TIRANT 3EME POINT Referenced product
11992024 1992024 | 2992024 | 3392024 | 092024BROCHE 3ø POINT LONGUE Product discontinued
12691496 991496 | 1991496FIXING REF 91496 Referenced product
131291201 Calage point bas gaucheArticle not created
141291202 Calage point bas droitArticle not created
15798500 6201104CHAIN TIE ROD REF: 6201104 Referenced product
182211132 VIS HM 20X80 CL 10.9 Referenced product
192511101 RONDELLE PLATE M20Replaced
20571420 2312108LOCKNUT 34-12Replaced
211291203 Appui packer gaucheArticle not created
221291204 Appui packer droitArticle not created
232211117 SCREW HM 12X70 PF 8.8 ZN 6 Referenced product
24573112 2511105Washer Referenced product
252312104 NYLON LOCKNUT H 12 ZN Referenced product
261291230 GUIDE LATERAL GAUCHE SOUDE Product discontinued
271291231 GUIDE LATERAL DROIT SOUD Product discontinued
282211604 VIS TETE FRAISEE 16 X 50 CL 10.9 Product discontinued
29573166 2511107Washer Referenced product
302312109 ECROU NYLSTOP HM 16Replaced
311291179 PACKER CONTACT BOLT Available until out of stock
322211162 VIS HM 14 X 30 Product discontinued
332512106 RONDELLE GROWER DIAM 14 Product discontinued
343601601 SEALED RING Referenced product