maxidrill sr (sr)
MarkerReferenceDesignation Retail price Excl. VATStatus partQty
11291197 BIELLE / SR MOD 04 SOUD Available until out of stock
26201115 RATCHET TENSIONER Referenced product
3696110 996110 | 4801127 | 096110FITTING RUBBER Referenced product
4790014 6201107SPINDLE PT HT D25.4 L142-C2 Referenced product
52511110 WASHER M27 N ZN 6 C FEReplaced
62611207 SAFETY PIN DIA. 10.5 MM Product discontinued
76201114 TOP POINT SPINDLE, D25 Referenced product
83396753 Indicateur de terrageArticle not created
99801308 L DRILLING DEPTH INDICATOR STICKER Available until out of stock
109801307 R DRILLING DEPTH INDICATOR STICKER Available until out of stock
11992549 1992549 | 2992549 | 3392549 | 092549BAGUE ENTRETOISE Product discontinued
121291193 CADRE SR 3 M Product discontinued
131291191 Cadre sr 4mArticle not created
14687719 987719 | 087719COVER RUBBER STOP Referenced product
15415738 4801146PLUG, POL.60X60X4 Referenced product
163394314 Bielle centraleArticle not created
17996730 1996730 | 2996730 | 3396730 | 096730ATTACHE TUYAUX DN 35 Product discontinued
18992571 1992571 | 2992571 | 3392571 | 092571TUBE ENTRETOISE Product discontinued
19996718 1996718 | 2996718 | 3396718 | 096718FIXATIONS TUYAUX DN 35 Product discontinued