maxidrill sr (sr)
MarkerReferenceDesignation Retail price Excl. VATStatus partQty
1019140 919140TREMIE MP SOUDEE Product discontinued
2019154 919154HOPPER MP4/RS4 WELDED Referenced product
3858381 908381 | 008381 | 2958381WINDOW + SEAL ( DPAX 1503 ) Referenced product
4552130 2211134SCREW M10 X 80 ZN FP Referenced product
5573109 2511102Washer Referenced product
6571460 2312101Nut Referenced product
72211109 VIS HM 8X16 FST C 8.8 Z Available until out of stock
8573158 2511104Washer Referenced product
92312102 LOCK NUT Referenced product
102212207 Vis trcc 8x25Article not created
11571208 2311101NUT H8 ZN 6 C FE Referenced product
122915716 Bouchon d9 gpn 300 f041 natArticle not created
132915715 Bouchon d16 gpn 300 f15 natArticle not created
142924026 Palier indicateur niveauArticle not created
15535853 2217104HEAD SCREW 8 X 16 Z Referenced product
162916155 Indicateur de niveau mp soArticle not created
172999050 Boule niveauArticle not created
18609111 909111 | 009111 | 2909111INDICATOR OF POSITION Referenced product
192987804 Cordelette de niveau spArticle not created
202987801 Cordelette de niveau ctArticle not created
21052130 952130 | 2952130 | 1952130 | 3352130UPP. SPACER HOPPER MP PL Product discontinued